→ Collective Notes

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Photo: Eva Dittrich
Collective Notes
Samuel Hertz & Maria Thrän
Project Space Neun Kelche (Berlin, DE)
18 May - 22 June, 2023

“Collective Notes” is a collaborative solo exhibiton created by Samuel Hertz and Maria Thrän at the Berlin project space Neun Kelche. A video and sound installation featuring an interactive, multimedia archive. “Collective Notes” focuses on protest chants from the Global Week of Future of 2019 as well as the climate zones these protests address. The work takes a planetary perspective: what are the connecting lines between protest chants and local climate zones and the animals and people who live there? What common sound logics do the worldwide protests follow and how do the rhythms of protests and animals sounds create new connections for thinking through this material?

“Collective Notes” featured a single-channel video projection with an eight-channel audio installation, as well as an interactive digital archive (co-created with artist and designer Esben Holk). The digital archive creates an interactive link to the entire raw assemblage of project material, letting gallery visitors explore the sonic and visual archives through the assistance of an AI chatbot that continuously comments on the visitors’ useage of the archival material.

Photo: Berlin Art Institute